Yicheng (Albert) Zhan

About Me

As shown in Fig. 1, Yicheng Zhan (弈诚 战) is a Ph.D. candidate at University College London, affiliated with the Computational Light Laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. Kaan Akşit. His research primarily focuses on Computer-Generated Holography, Computational Display, and Physics-aware Deep Learning. His academic interests lie at the intersection of computer vision, deep learning, and advanced display technologies.

Prior to his doctoral studies, Yicheng completed his M.Sc. in the Department of Computer Graphics and Vision Imaging at University College London and obtained his B.Sc. from King's College London. Thanks to his father, he has a last name that is so rare that it's practically an endangered species, he's not worried about it at all.

Photo of Yicheng Zhan

Fig. 1: Yicheng Zhan arrives at Haneda Airport (HND) to participate in SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.


Email: yicheng_zhan2001@outlook.com

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